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Escape from New York | 1981 | Plissken Style | Japanese B2

Escape from New York is a 1981 film directed by John Carpenter. It was co-produced with Larry Franco and Debra Hill. The screenplay was co-written by John Carpenter and Nick Castle who collaborated with Carpenter previously by portraying Michael Myers in Halloween. Escape from New York stars Kurt Russell, Lee Van Cleef, Ernest Borgnine, Donald […]

Escape from New York | 1981 | Liberty Style | Japanese B2

Escape from New York is a 1981 film directed by John Carpenter. It was co-produced with Larry Franco and Debra Hill. The screenplay was co-written by John Carpenter and Nick Castle who collaborated with Carpenter previously by portraying Michael Myers in Halloween. Escape from New York stars Kurt Russell, Lee Van Cleef, Ernest Borgnine, Donald […]